You can get a ballpark estimate from the boiling points. It is usually much easier to mount a temperature gauge than to extract a sample. I will attach a graph showing how the boiling point varies with the ABV of the boiling liquid.
Unfortunately this data is for atmospheric pressure and the temperatures do increase a bit with the back pressure from the retorts. You might find that the temperature in the pot still is about 2 degrees C higher than what the graph predicts and about 1 degree in the first retort. It is quite difficult to correct the boiling points for the pressure changes, but a simple graph is probably as far as you want to go on a distillery tour.
I will also attach a graph showing how the ABV of the vapour varies with the ABV of the boiling liquid. This shows quite clearly how it is much easier to increase the ABV in the beginning of a distillation than it is once the ABV get up above 40%
Carey and Lewis MF Mass and ABV – Liq vs Vap Graph.pdf Carey and Lewis MF Mass and ABV – BP Graph.pdf