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Accueil ' Forums ' Equipement ' Pourquoi mon Soxhlet ne siphonne-t-il pas correctement ?

  • Pourquoi mon Soxhlet ne siphonne-t-il pas correctement ?

    Publié par besoin d'argent on mai 6, 2020 à 7:57 pm

    I had a 1.5l soxhlet made to experiment with, for some reason the liquid level gets right up to the vapour inlet which is above the syphon tube but it doesn’t auto-syphen. Have i got the design wrong?


    Teh down the tube shot is showing the liquid level all the way up to the vapour inlet tube.

    besoin d'argent répondu Il y a 4 années, 7 mois 3 Membres - 11 Réponses
  • 11 Réponses
  • besoin d'argent

    mai 6, 2020 à 8:16 pm

    what is strange is that when I tested it with just water it siphoned just fine

    now with 2 x hop bags full of fruit on top of cotton pads it doesn’t syphon unless I move the “u” bend down 60mm from the top of the liquid level, the total height of the chamber being 320mm. Even then I wouldn’t call it a syphon.. more a constant trickle.

  • besoin d'argent

    mai 6, 2020 à 8:33 pm

    I think maybe I need a disc of metal on top of the siphon tube for the cotton filter pad to rest on.. I think the cotton pad and bags of fruit are stopping an effective siphon action by slowing the flow rate of the draining action.

    Will test tomorrow.

  • coup de semonce

    mai 7, 2020 à 12:53 am

    You probably have it there. The soxhlet works by vacuum created by the fluid moving back into the boiler. The fluid level has to be above the top of the U in the drain. If you don’t have enough fluid to go over the top of the U then it won’t work. Gravity pulls the fluid down creating a vacuum further back. If the fluid can’t flow freely then it won’t drain properly.

  • besoin d'argent

    mai 7, 2020 à 8:29 am


    I don’t have a “thimble” either, so the hop bag of fruit can essentially create a “plug” – I may need to add something to run vertically the length of the chamber to create a path to drain from and further stop the plug.. maybe a piece of 90 degree steel with holes drilled the length

  • besoin d'argent

    mai 7, 2020 à 10:04 am

    I have replicated this in a more controlled environment (kitchen)

    with a soggy bag of fruit over the drain hole it doesn’t syphon

    with the drain hole protected by a drilled copper disc then a soggy bag of fruit over it syphons very very slowly.

    with the drain hole protected by a  drilled copper disc and a relief channel running the length of the chamber atop the disc then a soggy bag of fruit over it syphons perfectly fine.

    Protect the drainage path is the answer.. easily solvable by an L shaped piece of steel drilled full of holes running the length of the chamber in my case.

  • coup de semonce

    mai 7, 2020 à 12:53 pm

    You could probably have these guys create something custom for you. Kinda like a gin basket so the sides always have a path for the fluid. The top of the U of the drain line should be right at the top of /slightly above where your botanicals/fruit/whatever is. The idea of the soxhlet is to soak the materials in the solvent. I’m building one out of a StillDragon gin basket right now. It’s easy to do. I need to work on the drain line. You can see how to change the vapor flow, drainage & condenser setup in the second photo. Larry was awesome and helped out with drawings of how to setup the hardlines for drainage instead of the silicon tubing in the image. 




  • besoin d'argent

    mai 7, 2020 à 6:12 pm

    ooh, great idea. I like the hop spider thinking. I will see what I can find in the UK.

    I did think of using my 4″ gin basket but the extra bits i needed to buy would cost more than a custom built one with a 1.5 litre capacity. It set me back like $130, whereas obtaining SS Spool parts for me is expensive.

    what are you extracting? that seems very small for your kettle..

  • besoin d'argent

    mai 7, 2020 à 6:25 pm
  • sud du pays

    mai 8, 2020 à 11:41 am

    We’ve built some really big soxhlets from stainless.  If anyone needs one just let me know  paul@distillery-equipment.com




  • besoin d'argent

    mai 8, 2020 à 2:12 pm

    would you care to share your experience in this field? or offer any advice.

  • besoin d'argent

    mai 9, 2020 à 7:57 pm

    creating the path for the liquid to drain was the key, it works like a charm now. I have ordered a hop spider for it which will be a more elegant solution.

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