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  • Moulin à grains

    Publié par point de repère on janvier 6, 2016 à 11:54 pm

    I’m looking to purchase a new/used grain mill for my distillery in CT. I’m running 30bbl mashes and am looking for a mill that’ll do 15-25 lbs/min.

    Merci d'avance

    John Taylor

    Waypoint Spirits

    Bloomfield, CT

    jeffw répondu Il y a 8 années, 11 mois 7 Membres - 8 Réponses
  • 8 Réponses
  • johninwv

    janvier 7, 2016 à 1:14 pm


    We bought a mill from a dairy operation out of VA. I love it and recommend it to everyone. It’s a 20 HP mill with two augers. It’s a beast. I think we paid close to $7500 for everything, including auger and auger motors, mill and mill motor, electrical, etc. That price is old – we made the purchase about 4 years ago.


    I work with Don Weaver.

    You might be able to find something dairy related much closer to you.

  • mattabv

    janvier 7, 2016 à 4:23 pm

    Contact Robert Huebner at sales@coloradomillequipment.com I have used them in my last two distilleries and will continue to use them in the future. Great selection and service. You will be happy.


  • siège du comté

    janvier 8, 2016 à 7:43 pm

    Recommend avoiding Pellet Masters. We’ve had plenty of issues with ours.

  • huffy2k

    janvier 8, 2016 à 10:36 pm

    Uh oh, just received the 4hp mill from Pelletmasters, is that the one you are having problems with?

  • siège du comté

    janvier 11, 2016 à 11:33 pm

    I believe so. Your experience may vary but the design/build were pretty bad, it overheated a lot, and is incredibly dusty even with the cyclone.

  • brillant8

    janvier 22, 2016 à 8:31 pm

    for what its worth, we use a colorado mill equipment hammer mill and love it. our only issue has been the single tab to hold the screens in place isn’t sufficient. it took 5 minutes to weld a second tab on. We run a 7.5HP motor and mill at ~25lbs/min

  • point de repère

    février 9, 2016 à 4:40 pm

    Thanks everyone. This helps but the search continues.

  • jeffw

    avril 28, 2016 à 3:30 pm

    Glowe8, you get 25#/min with corn on a 7.5hp motor?

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