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  • Utilisation de la pompe à moût

    Publié par josh on janvier 16, 2017 à 9:19 pm

    Bonjour à tous,

    Looking for a used mash pump that can be used to handle the transferring of thick bourbon mashes between my tun, cooling vessel, and fermenter. Please let me know if you’re looking to part with one, or have a good lead on where I can buy a used one.



    huffy2k répondu Il y a 7 années, 11 mois 3 Membres - 4 Réponses
  • 4 Réponses
  • josh

    février 1, 2017 à 1:30 am

    Bought new – thanks anyway!

  • 461369684@qq.com

    février 1, 2017 à 1:31 am

    What’d you go with?

  • josh

    février 1, 2017 à 4:50 am

    Although it was more than I originally planned to spend, I went with the US-FIP 20035LV. I’ve read great stuff about the pump here on ADI forums, and they seem like good folks who stand behind their products over there at US-FIP. We’ll see how it turns out, but I’m fairly confident that it will serve our various mash/product pumping needs. Time will tell – cheers!

  • huffy2k

    février 2, 2017 à 12:56 am

    Can’t go wrong with US-FIP

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