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Accueil ' Forums ' Recherchés pour achat ' Looking for Pre-Owned Bottle Filler

  • Looking for Pre-Owned Bottle Filler

    Publié par h20mand on août 24, 2018 à 9:33 pm

    We are located in Oregon and looking for a 4 or 6 spout gravity bottle filler.  Looking for any leads in this forum or if there are used vendors that resell distillery equipment. High proof spirit preferably or at least can handle higher proof spirits.  Thank you!

    terry at rvs répondu Il y a 6 années, 3 mois 3 Membres - 2 Réponses
  • 2 Réponses
  • skaalvenn

    août 25, 2018 à 1:58 am

    We might be selling a 4 spout Xpressfill in a few weeks. It’s not gravity, but figure I’d toss it out there.  PM me if interested.

  • terry at rvs

    août 27, 2018 à 5:04 pm

    We are also looking for a used 4 or 6 spout gravity bottle filler. We are located in upstate New York in the Delaware/Sullivan County area. Is anyone upgrading to a  bigger filler?



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