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Accueil ' Forums ' Equipement ' Puis-je avoir des conseils sur les densimètres ?

  • Puis-je avoir des conseils sur les densimètres ?

    Publié par waywardb on décembre 28, 2019 à 7:44 am

    Hi All-

    Exploring TTB certified density meters from Anton Paar, Rudolph Research and Mettler Toledo.  Looking for some feedback on ease of use, reliability, customer service from training and setup to answering questions months later…and whatever else you may feel is valuable for decision making.  And, if you have a DM what was your swing vote for purchase?

    jedd haas répondu Il y a 4 années, 11 mois 5 Membres - 7 Réponses
  • 7 Réponses
  • ozdistilling

    décembre 28, 2019 à 11:12 am

    I swear by the Anton Paar range.  Simple, reliable and mostly idiot proof.  But it always comes down to cost, available support in your region.

  • waywardb

    décembre 29, 2019 à 5:14 am

    Thank you Oz.  What Anton Paars are you referring to / which do you use?  What is your experience with Rudolph Research or Mettler?  I have heard Metter is kind of challenging and Rudolph and Aton are quite user friendly.  Any first-hand experience?  I am in the U.S. so would love to hear from distillers beholden to the TTB as well.

  • whiskeytango

    décembre 29, 2019 à 4:33 pm

    we have the Rudolph Research works great and tech support has never been a problem 


  • waywardb

    décembre 29, 2019 à 4:51 pm

    What were some of your key decision points when you selected Rudolph?  

  • étoile bleue

    décembre 29, 2019 à 7:30 pm

    I think any of them should work fine. As a company, Mettler Toledo is a little less friendly, its business model is oriented toward corporate pharma. But that being said, they will support products that have not been aged out. We bought a used Mettler that works well, and is still supported. We have not used desktop Anton Paar, but had good support and ease of purchase of the handhelds. The Rudolph looks like a good value, and I have had good experience with them for other equipment, but have not done so for their densitometer/alcoholometer.

  • whiskeytango

    décembre 29, 2019 à 7:53 pm

    The biggest thing is when they where coming by trying to sell me on the units (the countertop ones) Anton par would never bring one for me to actually try out and their hand held where not functioning on either visit.  Rudolph brought a unit in and sat it up so I could actually see how it ran and use it. Im sure both are good but I just got a way better feel and sales experinece  from Rudolph.  


  • jedd haas

    décembre 30, 2019 à 12:40 am

    I got a demo of both. See this link for my comments:


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