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Home Forums Gin Where is the Gin Basket Located?

  • Gin

    Where is the Gin Basket Located?

    Posted by braedenb on January 27, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    Hello all,

    I had a question about experiences people have had using vapor baskets for column distilled gin. I have seen some low tech solutions to building a makeshift basket in the helmet of the still, and seen some have a professionally made basket right before a 5 or 6 plate column. However, I recently have heard from another distiller that you can put the basket after the column, right before the condeser without too much variation in taste.

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience with any of these methods and if there are any additional benefits or major flavor differences with any of the methods. Thanks for the help.

    dehner distillery replied 9 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • leftturndistilling

    January 27, 2015 at 7:05 pm

    We use a basket right before the condenser, quite away’s away from the column .. It yields a very balanced botanical flavor that will be a little bit light … If you are looking for BOLD juniper you should probably macerate or have your basket in the column or helmet …

  • ryewater

    January 27, 2015 at 8:52 pm

    Ever noticed any discoloration since the botanicals are so close to the condenser left turn? Or is there no real way for the vapors to bleed color into the distillate.

  • leftturndistilling

    January 27, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    The only thing I pass through the botanicals is vapor .. Vapor cant carry any color and produces a lot less cellulose flavors (earthy) …

  • ryewater

    January 28, 2015 at 7:31 pm

    Ahhh that makes sense.

  • bluestone

    January 29, 2015 at 2:51 am

    Vapor infused gin can carry oil. I tried an experimental gin once that was heavy on anise. It had a distinct purple sheen. Very pretty, and barely recognizable as a gin. It louched with water. It was made with a muslin bag suspended in the helmet, immediately before the short lyne arm.

  • davidnederlandergroupcom

    May 22, 2015 at 2:34 pm

    Might be a newbie question (cuz I’m a newbie) but is there any point in running your Neutral through the column before hitting the basket? Perhaps you are just bypassing the trays, but I wanted to clarify. My impression is that there is little value in running neutral through the trays if you are already at a high ABV.

  • dehner distillery

    May 23, 2015 at 4:31 pm

    We build our stills with the gin basket wherever the customer wants. Most of the time we put it right before the condenser.

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