Using Turbine Flow Meters with Grain-in Mash
Hi everyone, long-time listener, first time caller… Thanks for all of your excellent advice in the forum archives.
Just wondering if anyone here has experience of using flow meters to measure cooled mash into their fermenters, and which ones you are using? I’m not intending to do this for any duty/compliance purposes so accuracy isn’t critical, but more for my own interest and records and to help increase my FV and still charge consistencies.
I’d ideally like to use a turbine flow meter for this, which I’ve used in breweries to measure relatively viscous yeast slurries, but which I’m not sure would be suitable for the grain-in rye/wheat mashes I would need to measure. Something along the lines of this.
The main reason I’d like to use a turbine model for this obviously is cost. I’m sure there is an electromagnetic flow meter that would do the job no-question, but the price seems to be $10k rather than $2k, and they also seem to be a lot more bulky.
Thanks for your advice!
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