The Secret Ingredient
The Henriod sisters may not have give Dr Pierre Ordinaire the whole ingredients list when they sold their “Old family ” formula for their health tonic “I believe Absinthe was give it’s name by the Good Doctor” This secret addition does appear in some of the hand written herb lists from earlier, that survive from before Ordinaire, and there is some evidence (even if it is somewhat spurious) that the Alpine folk were making a killing selling their tonic to the Roman Empire (they were Roman citizens.) The herb is “Calamus”It’s used even today for Depression”The effects that this herb can have on the nervous system are well known and proven, so for those who do suffer from psychological disorders or depression, drinking calamus tea from the rhizome (root) can be very helpful.”(https://www.comanicfacts.net/calamus.html) Remember Dr Ordinaire went the the Alps in the first place because he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.So there you go, just some food for the mass of cells between your ears….Bruce(It breaks my heart, but) I’ve finally decided my future liesBeyond the yellow brick road…from Elton John
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