Temperature Control Plate, Onion Head, and Dephlegmator
Looking for advice from our more experienced crew. We have a 4 plate bubbler column with a copper onion & dephlegmator. When running I believe we are getting our mash to hot in the boiler.
1. What should be the onion temperature above the boiler? Does it even matter?
– Why do we ask a dumb question… We are running hot maybe 200’ish in the onion.
2. What happens if your boiling hot and using you depphelgmator to control the vapor temp before the condenser?
3. The vapor temp above the dephlegmator is controlled by our water flow in the dephlegmator. Essentially everything is getting knocked down from the Dephlegmator. Is this correct?
Any advice is much appreciated!
As the vapor travels up it follows onion, 4 plate bubbler column, dephlegmator, condenser.
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