Switching Heater Elements at Low Voltage
I’ve been having a think about power control and the possibility of spitting a single heating element into two unequal parts for more control options. It’s definitely overkill, and could be plain wrong, but it has some potential advantages:1) 2 independantly switchable ‘elements’ that are still under SCR control, but in a single element package2) SCR doesn’t have to work so hard when controlling lower power output3) Switching is not at domestic supply voltageDisadvantages:1) More complexity – could just wire up all links in the element and control it as one on the SCR2) Needs 4 core cable from the element3) Power density impact?4) It’s completely not necessary!This is just a circuit diagram. Naturally, all the control elements and fan would be in a single enclosure. Any thoughts on this just as a simple musing?
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