Single Malt Whiskey: Lautering vs. Grain-in
To date we have produced both our peated and unpeated single malt spirit by making wort in a traditional “beer-for-drinking” method — add crushed grain to mash tun, sach rest, drain, sparge. We’ve partnered with a near-by brewer using his brewhouse as our cooker doesn’t have a false-bottom.
Wanted to see if anyone here has done a methodology comparison between a “scotch style” lautered mash (wort?) and a grain-in mash using the same grain, yeast, and fermentation.
Frankly it’s a bit of a pain to haul the grain to the brewhouse, mash, transfer to totes, cool, then haul them back and transfer to a fermenters. The brewer is a bit reluctant to let us use his chiller / hose as the wort is (obviously) never boiled. Fair enough I suppose. Thoughts?
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