Options for Cleaning
Looking for some advice on possible cleaning options for my 150 gal mash tun. I’m mashing bourbon in this unit and it has cooling coil inside the tank. The cooling coil is a pain to clean around. I haven’t found a great way to get the tank fully cleaned without disassembling it which I’m currently doing after about 3-4 runs because I start to see some build up in spots that are not easily reached. When assembled it’s difficult to reach quite a few areas between the coil and inner tank wall. I’m using Kettle Wash from Ace Chemical which is a high alkaline cleaner.
I’ve tried to fill the tank half way with water and mix in the kettle wash and heat and let soak hoping to remove residue without scrubbing but that has not been effective. So I’m curious if there are any stronger cleaners that anyone recommend I try? Or any other techniques.
I don’t have room in the distillery for a heat exchanger so I don’t want to go that route. The other option I’m considering is removing the coil altogether and flooding the steam jacket with water for cooling. Would make cleaning easier, but I need to check with the manufacturer before attempting that.
If anyone has any other ideas please let me know!
Thank you.
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