Krushed Sour Cherries
I picked about a 10 litre bucket of sour cherries this summer, here’s what I did:1. Dumped cherries into the big ole’ mash pot. covered with water and brought it to a boil. 2. Boiled for about 10 minutes or so. 3. Beat the snot out of the cherries with a motar mixer on the end of a drill. 4. Strained out all pulp and stones.5. Transfered into fermenter and stirred in 10kgs of white sugar.6. Topped up fermenter with cold water to 50-55 litre mark.7. After mixture cooled enough added 2 packages of EC 1118 yeast.8. After fementation ran it’s course (about 3 weeks or so) Distilled the wash twice through the pot still. Made heads and tails cut on the second run. Took about 750ml- 1litre of heads off the top and did the tails cut between 45 and 50% AV. Ended up with about 13 litres of spirit after dilution to about 43%AV. I threw 6 maraschino cherries per 4 litre (1 gallon) jug and left to age. Just tried a sip tonight after sitting just a couple days. It’s a very nice smooth cherry flavoured vodka.Gotta love fall, especially when you get fruit for free. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day and drink beer.
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