Insurance Tip of the Day: Tuesday Morning Delivery
Safe and healthy Friday to you all,
I know that I missed the Tuesday installment of the TMIT, but I did want to get a post out to all of you today. As you may or may not know, I sit on the City Council in Sheridanopolis and recently my time has been devoted to a localized issue that I know many of you may be facing on a national level as well.
It fells like months ago, but it was just recently I was fighting the insurance companies to allow for the manufacturing of hand sanitizer. Now, I have been embroiled in the crafting of an ordinance that has taken a lot of time and kept me from my TMIT posting this last week. What was the ordinance you may ask? It was an emergency ordinance allowing for the delivery of alcoholic beverages from liquor stores, microbreweries, wineries, distilleries, meaderies, cideries, etc., as long as they have the proper licensing in place for the sale of their goods.
Up until now, this was deemed as not permissible due to state and local statue. With the passing of this ordinance, which did unanimously pass, these folks are now able to sell and then deliver alcoholic goods to private citizens and their residences. WOOHOO!!! In these crazy times of “physical distancing” (InsuranceMan 2.0!!! refuses to say “social distancing”, we can still stay social folks, we just need to stay physically away), it is important to be able to assist people in not going out, but we certainly want them to be able to get their food, medications, and ALCOHOL!
After getting this passed, I was feeling pretty dang good. I wasn’t going to break my arm off patting myself on the back, but I was pretty pleased with myself. WELL, NOT SO FAST!!! The universe has a funny way of doing that to us, doesn’t it. As soon as I get the ordinance passed, I literally received an email from a business saying that their insurance company was PROHIBITING them, under the policy, from making any kind of delivery. That it would be excluded and therefore, if they started delivering alcohol, they would have no coverage and likely be dropped!!!
UGH!!! No rest for this superhero. On to the new fight I go. Thankfully, I have a lot of good friends in good places and I was able to quickly avert this crisis. I reached out, immediately to a myriad of underwriters and I am pleased to announce that I have several carriers that will allow for the delivery of alcohol. Mmmmmm …… pleased with myself twice in one day …….. no bad.
With that being said, if you need coverage for the delivery of your product, or if you have local liquor retailers selling your product, CHECK YOUR INSURANCE TO SEE IF IT IS COVERED!!! I am being inundated with folks reaching out to me telling me their agent and/or carrier are saying they are not allowed to deliver their goods.
If you, or someone you know finds that they are not going to be allowed to deliver alcohol, have them call me, email me, text me, raise the InsuranceMan 2.0!!! signal to the sky … whatever it takes, and I will fix their problem. We need to band together, people, and be part of a solution, not part of the many problems that we face on a daily basis now.
Retail Liquor Stores, Distilleries, Microbreweries, whatever … if they are having issues that are keeping them from doing business, let me get them back to business as usual (or BIGGER business as this looks like this is how it is going to be for a while). The ultimate goal is to keep your sales up during this time so let me assist you or your sellers in doing so. Until next time, dear reader …
Stay Vigilant, healthy, and safe,
Aaron Linden
a.k.a. InsuranceMan 2.0!!!
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