Have you had any experience with previously used bourbon barrels?
I was recently given a couple of freshly dumped 53 gallon ‘big distiller” kentucky bourbon barrels and was thinking of putting my next still run from 100% corn mash into them. Its my first time doing this and was curious if anyone has aged in used bourbon barrels and what was their experience? How was the end product?
Also I’m trying to figure out the whisky class and type. I think the above would fall under the TTB WHISKY type of “WHISKY DISTILLED FROM BOURBON MASH¹ as the TTB definition is
Whisky produced in the U.S. at
not exceeding 80% alcohol byvolume (160 proof) from afermented mash of not less than51 percent corn and stored inused oak containers Or if I distill at a higher proof it could be type “LIGHT WHISKY”: “LIGHT WHISKY”Whisky produced in the U.S. atmore than 80% alcohol by volume(160 proof) [but less than 95%alcohol by volume (190 proof)]and stored in used or uncharrednew oak containers In the light whisky definition it is not defined if a used barrel must be uncharred or charred. Since it is not defined then either one must be okay? Any feedback or thoughts?
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