“Delicious Recipe Ideas”
Yesterday I went into the old board and did a search under ‘Recipe’. The good part is that I was able to copy 16 pages of recipes in WORD. The bad part is that many of the posts were just comments with no actual recipes within. I’m fairly certain that there are still a large number of them there within some of the non-descript posts.So a thought came to me. One of the things that I have really taken to since I started distilling is experimenting with the various recipes that I’ve come across. Not only the recipes for washes but things such as charring oak and different ways to add flavor both before and after distilling. Everyone here has special ways of doing things and it’s a shame to lose all of the wisdom that has accumulated.What I would like to do is put together a book/catalog of recipes and procedures. It would not cover distilling per se but how to prepare washes for specific alcohols, how to blend for flavor and how to create different liqeuers from scratch. The assumption would be that the reader knows how to build and run a still but wants variation of the product.Anyone wanting to contribute can either post here or send a private message. All who contribute will receive a copy of whatever I can put together. This will take some time but I think it will be well worth it.AkCoyote
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