Can someone double-check my calculations for a projected volume of 2 times the expected value?
This is a first for me. Last week I whipped up a 13 gallon batch of honey wheated bourbon. Decided to do a stripping run last night and ended up with twice the expected total volume. I’m running a pot still with no thumper. My recipe is:Yield 13GallonsTotal Mash bill 29.3lbsSG 1.070Grain lbs/G2.25Grain billAmount(lbs)PPG%Cracked Corn17.93059%Red Wheat Malt2.737.39%White Wheat Malt2.439.19%Golden Promise Malt2.4379%Rolled Oats1.8337%American Honey Malt1.937.77%Total29.3100%I ground all grains to flour as usual and after conversion ended up with a higher 1.078 SG, good enough for government work. FG was 1.000 which should give me 10.24% abv. Didn’t want to deal with the sludge so I drew off exactly 5 gallons and stripped down to 23% before calling it quits. 5 x 10.24% should give me about .51 gallons in total but I ended up with .87 gallons of 44% low wines, almost twice the expected total volume. Maybe my points per gallon are off. I use Brewers Friend and sometimes there are ingredients with multiple points, but I wouldn’t think I would be that far off. Besides, the SG is the SG regardless of points right? Probably shouldn’t try to do late night math. yeah let’s go with that.
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