Batch ruined by excessive malt addition…how to salvage it?
Hi all. Did my first grain mash batch today (have used malt extract for years). Anyway, I bought enough raw material for 2 batches and decided to just do one right now. Like the idiot that I am, I accidentally added all of the light malt powder extract (twice what the recipe called for). I wound up with a SG of 1.065 which is pretty high (right?). Should I a) Just leave it and enjoy a stiff beer. b) water it down before kegging? c) other ideas?I mashed 7# of lager malt and added 4# of light malt powder extract to the boil. One note of advice – test your thermometer before proceeding. I didn’t realize what a piece of crap my thermometer is until I ran the wort chiller wayyyyy longer than I would have expected. Thermo was reading 110F when the wort was almost down to 54F (the temp of our well water). I also had some troubles getting the mash to convert, finally seemed to go but I’m guessing I was in the wrong temp range. I also added irish moss – boy, that really clears a beer up don’t it?Thanks for any advice. JB
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