Airstill for creating vapor-infused gins
I’m not sure if this should go here, or in the pot still sub-forum…mods, please move as appropriate.I’ve been exploring gins and related botanical products for a while, and recently have switched my system from a larger setup to a 1 gallon “air still” electric still. I still use my large column still to make clean grain alcohol, but then macerate and distill smaller batches of gin using the airstill. I’ve come to enjoy this approach as it lets me explore more recipes, plus I don’t waste much (alcohol or time) if I muck up.I’d like to try adding ingredients into the vapor path, while still sticking with the small-format still. I’ve tried to make some elevated wire baskets to this end, without much success. Has anyone had success “converting” a conventional airstill to do vapour-path? Or do I simply need to bite the bullet and buy a new system?Brewer for decades, dabbler in distilling trying to get better at the craft.
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