Advice Needed: How to Move Forward with TTFV Stalling
I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction please. I have tried 4 runs of TTFV now and for the life of me I can’t get the OG below 1.021I have tried to utilise the best information I have gotten from this forum, so: Every time, I have followed the recipe to the letter. I use standard fast action dried yeast, so for this last run I pitched it at 34 deg C I use an immersion and insulation to keep the temperature constant between 29 – 30 deg CThe starting SG is always between 1.060 – 1.070. It was 1.065 this timeI start the pH around 5.2 adjusting with Citric AcidIn this last batch, after 8 hours I checked the pH (which was 2.96) so increased it back to 4.21 using Calcium Carbonate. This pH held steady after 24 hours, and the final pH after 8 days when fermentation stopped was 4.54The final OG was 1.021I normally run the distillation anyway, and the vodka I get is absolutely fine. The thing is, am I losing volume though by not getting it down to 0.990 which seems to be the norm.To stop the stall, do I add more yeast in the process? More multivitamin or other nutrient? I’m not sure which direction to take.Any advice will be greatly appreciated
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