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Entdecken Sie die Gemeinschaft der Craft-Destillateure und entdecken Sie den größten Berufsverband, der sich der Kunst und Wissenschaft der Craft-Destillation widmet. ACE DISTILLER ist seit 2010 für alle Stufen der handwerklichen Destillation da, von Anfängern bis zu erfahrenen Profis.

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    Geschrieben von henrickson on Januar 21, 2021 at 1:27 am

    Hello, we are opening a new nano distillery with a 150 G hybrid pot still , 150 G mash/tun and 3 x150 G Fermenters.  Our village water averages 12C , has 490 hardness, with calcium carbonate, pho’s, 1 PPM chlorine almost 0 chloramine, some Fe, pH=7.4

    my water plan so far was to soften and UV it then into condensers/deflags , then hit through IV and into black HDPE 

    insulated (hot tank)then into mash/tun and clean up.  If no water in hot tank then ,softened/UV into instant hot water boiler and out to mash.

    Also, softened/UV into RO for proofing/blending

    Any suggestions? Improvements?


    Slickfloss antwortete 3 Jahre, 11 Monate aktiv. 2 Mitglieder - 1 Antwort
  • 1 Antwort
  • Slickfloss

    Februar 8, 2021 at 2:18 pm

    I would recommend getting advanced testing done on your ground water at your Tap and at the well head pre treatment. It wil change the way you look at water. I will PM you a reference 

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