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Startseite ' Foren ' Gesucht zu kaufen ' Looking for a Small Pot Still

  • Looking for a Small Pot Still

    Geschrieben von jessicajlemmon on August 1, 2017 at 11:11 pm

    Looking for a gently used pot still. Anywhere from 5 to 15 gallons, ideally. (50 absolute max).  The goal is to set up a special station for the botanical blends. Doing gin 1.5 bottles at a time is a pain in the b.u.t.t.

    roberto antwortete 7 Jahre, 4 Monate aktiv. 3 Mitglieder - 2 Antworten
  • 2 Antworten
  • Farbstoff

    August 3, 2017 at 2:55 am

    We are a distilling equipment supplier, with the strength of industrial still, home still and etc. All of our products have 13 months guarantee after installation in your facility.

    we have HOME STILL from 50L to 300L. if you have interests, we could talk in e-mail aout more details.

  • roberto

    Oktober 11, 2017 at 3:03 am

    Try Larry at Stilldragon. 954-298-9505


    Edited October 11, 2017 by robertoWrong file.

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