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Startseite ' Foren ' Ausrüstung ' Aufheizen des Maischebottichs

  • Aufheizen des Maischebottichs

    Geschrieben von on März 28, 2020 at 7:24 pm

    I need some advise.  Have 300 gallon mash tun.  Heat water with steam boiler thru a heat exchanger.  Once I put grain in tun, I can’t run it thru the heat exchanger.  I need a way to keep the tun at 195 degrees for 90 minutes.  Any ideas would be useful. 

    therinchis1 antwortete 4 Jahre, 8 Monate aktiv. 4 Mitglieder - 4 Antworten
  • 4 Antworten
  • hudson bay distillers

    März 29, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    Sie könnten eine Infusionsmaische versuchen oder Ihr Wasser vorheizen und mit Dampf einspritzen, sobald das Getreide drin ist.


    März 29, 2020 at 6:04 pm

    I thought of infusion but won’t work in my case.  How about a heating coil that I can run thru my heat exchanger?  I could put a hot water hose on it and a relief valve?

    any help would be appreciated.

  • klattig

    September 29, 2020 at 8:38 pm

    We have a similar problem in a home-brewed 550g mash tun.  We installed ~60′ of 3/4″ flexible copper tubing around the inside perimeter of the tun, and we can run hot or cool water thru it.  We typically re-heat from about 175 to 190F in ~75 minutes with near-boiling water.  I can’t see why you couldn’t run steam through it to maintain a higher temp.  You must have an agitator running while heating or cooling, otherwise on the area immediately around the coils gets heated/cooled.  

  • therinchis1

    Oktober 6, 2020 at 1:14 pm

    have you found a solution since? i see a lot of time has passed since and i’m wondering what you’ve done?

    also thanks for the recommendations klattig

    asking all of this because i’m having a very similar issue… thanks

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