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Startseite ' Foren ' Ausrüstung ' Automated Bar Top Capping Machine

  • Automated Bar Top Capping Machine

    Geschrieben von distill88 on März 12, 2021 at 2:31 am

    Anyone have experience or recommendations regarding automatic bar top cappers? Price, ease of use, changeover are just a few of the considerations….


    Andrew McCabe

    Distiller, AstraLuna Brands

    Rohabfüllanlagen antwortete 3 Jahre, 9 Monate aktiv. 2 Mitglieder - 1 Antwort
  • 1 Antwort
  • Rohabfüllanlagen

    September 16, 2021 at 6:14 pm

    Hi Andrew – we offer a range of semi-automated and automated bar top cappers. We can provide an entire Bottling Line, including Rinsers, Fillers, Cappers/Corkers, Labelers and Shrink Wrappers. Our equipment is modular so you can buy only the pieces you need and not the entire line.

    Send me an email –

    Zum Wohl!


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